拉马尔州立学院亚瑟港(正规靠谱赌博软件)致力于为每个人提供平等的机会. 我们希望每个人都能轻松访问信息,包括个人 disabilities. This document (the Plan) outlines 正规靠谱赌博软件’s strategy for compliance with 德克萨斯州行政法规(TAC)有关网站可访问性的要求 及其他为残疾人士提供的电子及资讯资源.

该计划旨在协助低薪公屋单位和环保设施业主符合规定 以满足可访问性的方式开发、采购、维护和使用EIR requirements.


  1. Requirements
  2. EIR Accessibility Coordinator
  3. EIR Accessibility Exception Requests
  4. EIR Accessibility Team
  5. Goals
  6. Remediation
    1. Procured Products and Services
    2. Internally-Developed Applications
    3. Websites
    4. Processes for Future Development and Purchases
      1. Revise Web/Web Application Development Process
      2. Revise Software Acquisition Process
  7. Training Plan
  8. Compliance Monitoring and Reporting
    1. Procured Products and Services
    2. Internally-Developed Applications
    3. Websites
    4. Reporting
  9. Document Control


由德克萨斯州信息资源部建立的可访问性要求 (DIR)的制定是为了确保残疾人能够获得和 资源的使用可与个人的获取和使用相比没有 disabilities, including members of the public.

See Policies, Regulations and Standards.

EIR Accessibility Coordinator

正规靠谱赌博软件 EIR无障碍协调员(EIRAC)是有关的中心联络点 我们机构的电子和信息的可访问性问题和解决方案 resources. The EIRAC serves in a coordinating and facilitating role, with responsibilities that include the following:

  1. 开发、支持和维护EIR可访问性策略、标准和过程.
  2. 处理EIR可访问性异常请求,并维护已批准的异常记录.
  3. 开发和支持EIR(包括网站和web应用程序)的计划 will be brought into compliance. The plan shall include appropriate goals, a process 为纠正不符合项目而采取的纠正措施,以及进度测量.
  4. 维护易访问性测试验证过程和结果的文档.
  5. 促进对关注、投诉、报告问题和德克萨斯DIR调查的回应.
  6. 促进培训解决方案的开发或获取 EIR accessibility-related requirements.

EIR Accessibility Exception Requests

如果正规靠谱赌博软件确定遵守某一标准将会造成重大困难 或费用,EIRAC将协助EIR无障碍例外的准备工作 Request. The EIRAC shall evaluate the request, formulate recommendations regarding ,并将其转交给主席,主席将指定截止日期 an approved exception.

EIR Accessibility Team

正规靠谱赌博软件应组成一个跨部门团队,代表组织的关键领域 affected by EIR accessibility requirements. This team will have the following goals:

  • Facilitate progress in EIR Accessibility across the college
  • Identify issues and work to resolve them as a team.


  • Academic Affairs
  • Disability Services/Special Populations
  • Distance Education
  • Faculty
  • HR
  • Information Technology
  • Library
  • Procurement
  • Public Information
  • Workforce & Continuing Education



  • Web Content
    • Scanning
      • Select and procure web accessibility scanning tool.
        • College website - completed 5/9/2019 (Siteimprove)
        • Blackboard - completed Fall 2020 (Ally)
      • Begin monthly site scans and remediation of errors.
        • College website
          • Initial scan performed 5/19/2018.
          • Automated scans performed every 5 days.
          • Remediation began 5/19/2018.
        • Blackboard
          • 6/30/2020: Goals and remediation plan under development.
    • Web Pages
      • FY 2020
        • Siteimprove Accessibility score
          • Meets or exceeds industry benchmark (74.1) - Completed in Year 1
          • Meets or exceeds 90 - Completed in Year 2
        • Percentage of A/AA Errors Remediated
          • 50% Reduction Year 1 - Completed in Year 1
          • 10% Reduction Each Subsequent Year - On Track in Year 2
        • Percentage of A/AA Warnings Remediated
          • 50% Reduction Year 1 - Completed in Year 2
          • 10% Reduction Each Subsequent Year
        • Percentage of Pages with 0 Level A/AA Errors
          • 50% Reduction Year 1 - Completed in Year 2
          • 10% Reeuction Each Subsequent Year
      • FY 2022
        • 在2021财年,siteimprovement实施了一种全新的扫描引擎(NextGen) the way it identifies issues and potential issues. This resulted in a new scoring 机制、新行业标杆、新绩效指标、新报告. 
        • 基准将于2021年8月31日确定,新目标将在此基础上确定 on those benchmarks.
    • PDF Documents
      • 2020年6月30日:PDF文档可访问性目标正在根据标准进行修订 initiative to reduce the overall number of PDF documents on the website.
      • 8/23/2021:需要辅助扫描的pdf数量从约900(2018)减少 to 516.
  • Applications
    • Create form for EIR Exceptions
      • Completed November 2018
    • Implement EIR Exception Process
      • Completed November 2018
    • 6/30/2020: Additional goals for application accessibility are being revised.
  • Training
    • 6/30/2020:基础/介绍性:此目标正在根据适用性进行修订 of available training products.
    • Blackboard: Under development.
    • 2020年6月30日:PDF可访问性培训将包含在web/内容培训中.
    • 8/23/2021: Pilot department has been trained using Siteimprove Academy. Training will begin rolling out to the rest of campus beginning October 2021.

Progress Reports

Level A/AA Web Page Accessibility
Metric 5/20/2018 Year 1
Year 2
Total Pages Scanned 631 778 970
Percentage of Level A/AA Errors Remediated Since Plan Start -- 92% 95%
Percentage of Level A/AA Warnings Remediated Since Plan Start -- 43% 92%
Percentage of Pages with 0 Level A/AA Errors 0% 0% 64%
Siteimprove Accessibility Score 62.2 86.5 94.1
Update - 8/23/2021

2021年2月,Siteimprove从根本上改变了报告可访问性的方式 问题与新报告方法与原报告方法不相容 reporting. As such, a new format for progress reports will be created. Progress will 按学年/财政年度而不是项目年度跟踪,新的基线将会 be as of 8/31/2021.


要使正规靠谱赌博软件的EIR符合要求,需要对EIR产品进行评估和审查 and EIR development and procurement processes. Remediation will be prioritized based on criticality, number of users, and audience (e.g., general public, students, or employees).

Procured Products and Services

EIRAC将与采购部门、信息技术服务部门和EIR所有者一起确定被采购的产品 EIR in use at 正规靠谱赌博软件. The following actions will be performed for each EIR:

  • Obtain VPATs or equivalent documentation.
  • Perform automated and/or manual accessibility validation testing as appropriate.

对于无法获得的产品和服务,正规靠谱赌博软件将确定一个适当的 course of action, which may include one or more of the following actions:

  • Request an exception as per the EIR Accessibility Exception Request process.
  • Identify alternate method or formats.
  • 联系供应商并确定供应商的产品或服务计划 accessible.
  • 识别和调查同等无障碍产品或服务的采购.

Internally-Developed Applications

资讯科技谘询中心将与资讯科技署合作,甄别内部开发的应用系统 in use at 正规靠谱赌博软件. Each EIR will be tested using appropriate automated and/or manual accessibility validation tools. For applications that are not accessible, 正规靠谱赌博软件 will 确定适当的行动方案,其中可能包括以下一项或多项内容 actions:

  • Request an exception as per the EIR Accessibility Exception Request process.
  • Identify alternate method or formats.
  • Modifying the application.
  • Replacing the application with a new internally developed application.
  • Replacing the application with a procured application.


The EIRAC will perform weekly scans of the following websites:

This list will be updated as necessary. The EIRAC will work with IT Services to remediate 不兼容的web模板、web部件、样式表、编程和任何其他技术 aspects of the website. For the purpose of remediation, web-based applications will be considered Internally Developed Applications. The EIRAC will work with content creators to facilitate remediation of content; however, it is ultimately the responsibility of those individuals to create accessible content.

Processes for Future Development and Purchases


Revise Web/Web Application Development Process
  • Adopt universal design principles
  • Test with SiteImprove prior to publication.
  • 对于采购的web产品,在文档中包括可访问性需求和验证 scope of work.
Revise Software Acquisition Process
  • Establish a New Software Acquisition Workflow with Procurement
    • Approval by EIRAC
    • Final Sign-off by IRM
  • Include Accessibility criteria in ranking in RFP
  • Include State of Texas Requirement for VPAT
  • Include State of Texas Requirement for Indemnification

Training Plan

Training Matrix Based on Role
Proficiency Level Topic Administrative Staff Faculty Web Content Producers Web Application Developers & Testers Procurement & Contracting Staff
Fundamental Intro to Accessibility TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD
Fundamental HTML     Required Required  
Fundamental CSS     Optional Required  
Fundamental Javascript     Optional Required  
Fundamental Testing/Tools     Required Required  
Fundamental PDF (internal use) Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Fundamental PDF (external use, including student) Required Required Required Required Optional
Advanced Web Programming (e.g., Java, .Net)       Required  
Specialized Procurement Requirements         Required
Specialized Validating Vendor Accessibility         Required

Compliance Monitoring and Reporting

The EIRAC will oversee compliance monitoring and reporting.

Procured Products and Services

EIRAC将与财务和运营部门合作制定和实施合规规定 monitoring plan.

Internally-Developed Applications

资讯科技谘询委员会会与资讯科技署合作,制定和实施合规监察制度 plan.


  • Compliance validation reports will be provided to EIR Owners on a monthly basis.
  • 检讨局会与资讯科技署合作,就技术方面的违规事宜作出补救 of the website beyond the control of content creators.
  • The EIRAC will work with content creators to facilitate remediation of content; however, 这些人最终有责任创建可访问的内容.


合规性报告,包括进度报告,将分发给EIR无障碍 Team and executive management on a regular basis.

Document Control

Version Date Summary Updated By
1.0 5/1/2018 Initial document creation Susan Cook
1.1 5/30/2018 根据2018年5月29日的EIR无障碍启动会议更新了团队成员角色. Updated goals with completion dates. Susan Cook
1.2 10/2/2018 Minor language revisions. Susan Cook
1.3 10/8/2018 Conversion to web Susan Cook
1.4 09/24/2019 Updated website listing. Susan Cook
1.5 03/03/2020 Added EIR Accessibility Exception Request Form Susan Cook
1.6 8/6/2020 Updated goals based on limitations of accessibility scanning software. Updated annual progress for goals. Updated training goals and matrix. Susan Cook
1.7 8/23/2021 根据网站的主要变化更新了计划,改进了可访问性扫描软件. Updated annual progress for goals. Updated training progress/goals. Susan Cook
1.8 5/16/2024 Minor update to Exception request process Susan Cook